Bao and Ramen at Pagu 

Something I noticed about Boston is that there is quite a strong Asian community in this town. When I found out that I was literally staying in an apartment that was steps away from H-Mart, I almost wept for joy. DC, build an H-Mart please? Thank you. The point of this post is I found…

Boston Photo Journal

Following my Cambridge Photo Journal, here are some of the non-food places that I visited during my Boston trip. Hope you enjoy!        

Seafood Heaven at Neptune Oyster

If you do a quick search of Boston’s food scene, you’ll notice that seafood is its own food group here. Among the many seafood restaurants in Boston, Neptune Oyster’s name comes up quite often. Neptune is the God of the Sea. After my dinner at Neptune Oysters, I’ll happily worship at the altar of Neptune, and return to…